ERP and the Provincial Authority of Álava renew agreement for the management of WEEE

August 25th, 2021

Electronic waste collected at Civic Amenities up 17% in 2020

ERP and the Provincial Authority of Álava renew agreement for the management of WEEE

  • Electronic waste collected at Civic Amenities up 17% in 2020

The six garbigunes (Civic Amenities) and mobile green point of the Provincial Authority collected 17% more waste electrical and electronic equipment last (WEEE) year despite the restrictions on movement imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. In total, 130 tonnes of WEEE, compared to 111.4 tonnes managed in 2019 according to the data provided by European Recycling Platform (ERP), the organisation responsible for the selective collection and correct management of this type of waste and Civic Amenities in Álava.

The agreement signed between the Provincial Authority and the ERP, renewed recently for a period of four years with an option to extends for a further four years, guarantees the removal of waste electrical and electronic equipment collected at the garbigunes or Civic Amenities of Álava, and their correct management on the part of ERP.

The Provincial Authority of Álava and ERP have managed more than 560 tonnes of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), collected at the fixed and mobile garbigunes (Civic Amenities) across the province, thanks to the agreement reached in 2010 to promote the selective collection and correct management of this type of waste. This agreement has now been renewed and updated. Collections are made at the seven garbigunes and one mobile point of the provincial network.