ERP Portugal and Electrão

October 31st, 2020

Electrical Waste International Day

Following the recent statements by ZERO - Sustainable Terrestrial System Association, ERP Portugal and Electrão hereby regret the terrible environmental contribution to the electrical waste recycling sector made by the aforementioned ONGA today, the Electronic Waste International Day.

While more than 100 organizations around the world have mobilized on this day to communicate with one voice a message calling for the need to change the behavior of citizens to ensure the correct separation and routing for electrical waste recycling, this sector's top priority, this organization the non-governmental organization chose to publicly intentionally discredit the work developed in recent years by the signatory management entities, but also by consumers, municipalities, retailers and other companies that have been committed to this national cause.

It cannot be permissible for an environmental non-governmental organization to publicly premeditate to harm the clear dissemination of this key message for the fulfillment of the country's environmental goals, installing doubt and uncertainty with everything and everyone.

This contribution becomes more regrettable when this organization proposes, here, the collapse of a collection system of more than ten thousand sites that today allow the correct routing for treatment and recycling of more than about 25 thousand tons of waste annually and which took 15 years to establish.

Naturally, ERP Portugal and Electrão follow the results of the country's collection and recycling with great concern and are not resigned to values ​​far removed from the established goals, unfortunately in line with what is happening in the vast majority of European countries. Therefore, on several occasions, they have proposed changes to the regulatory and legal framework established.

Nevertheless, this type of initiatives of the Electrical Waste International Day, are above all important to signal the environmental issue associated with recycling and an opportunity to remind citizens that the effort and commitment they put into separating waste and waste is never too much. forwarding for recycling.

Or to mobilize the most skeptical to adopt these waste separation practices, because only then will it be possible to treat the hazardous materials and components present in some electrical and electronic products that we consume and to guarantee the closure of the materials avoiding the consumption of new raw materials, protecting the environment and human.

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