Ireland Celebrates 10th Anniversary

8月 25th, 2015

of WEEE Regime

ERP Ireland has collected 300,000 tonnes of WEEE over 10 years

August 2015 marks a significant milestone in Ireland: the WEEE regime has reached its 10th anniversary. Since 2005, over 300,000 tonnes of WEEE have been collected across the country, the equivalent of 187 kg per household.

Whilst significant achievements have been made, challenging targets lie ahead. Starting from 2016, there will be a collection target of 45% for all electronic equipment placed on the market and then 65% of equipment placed on the market (or 85% of electronic waste generated) by 2019. ERP is confidence that with the support of its members, the Irish people and all stakeholders in the WEEE system will successfully achieve these ambitious new collection targets.

Martin Tobin, CEO ERP Ireland said, “The days of seeing old fridges and broken washing machines dumped in fields, on the side of the road and in laneways is thankfully a thing of the past. I am proud to say that Ireland still collects over twice the EU target and collections of WEEE in Ireland remain one of the highest in the EU.”

“I would like to take this opportunity and thank all our members, the DECLG, the WEEE Register Society, the EPA, local authorities, waste contractors and the general public for embracing the spirit and ethos of the WEEE Directive to make it such a success in Ireland and recycling their electrical waste over the last 10 years,” concluded the Martin Tobin.

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