Fill in estimated quantities of packaging you will put on the Danish market throughout the year 2024.
Household packaging is all packaging that you expect to end up in a private waste bin at some point, regardless of how many chains of distribution it are sold through.
Reused packaging (1:1 deposit systems) must first be reported in 2025 and must therefore not be included.
Imported goods whose packaging becomes waste for you as an importer/distributor (first level) must NOT be included (reporting responsibility lies with the foreign supplier). The packaging you forward on to the market + new packaging you may add must be reported.
If a packaging consists of several materials that are not intuitively separable, the total weight of all these packaging materials is reported in the type of material that constitutes the main weight (applies to ‘CIRCULAR’).
Packaging, hazardous waste: Eg. spray cans.
Packaging, residual waste: Eg. pizza trays and certain chip bags.
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