Fill in your estimated volumes in the form below and we will send you estimated yearly cost. It’s simple as that.
Estimate period one full year (12 months)
Refrigerators, Freezers, Equipment which automatically deliver cold products, Air-conditioning equipment, Dehumidifying equipment, Heat pumps, Radiators containing oil and other temperature exchange equipment using fluids other than water for the temperature exchange.
Screens, Televisions, LCD photo frames, Monitors, Laptops, Notebooks.
Straight fluorescent lamps, Compact fluorescent lamps, Fluorescent lamps, High intensity discharge lamps - including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps, Low pressure sodium lamps, LED.
Washing machines, Clothes dryers, Dish washing machines, Cookers, Electric stoves, Electric hot plates, Luminaires, Equipment reproducing sound or images, Musical equipment (excluding pipe organs installed in churches), Appliances for knitting and weaving, Large computer-mainframes, Large printing machines, Copying equipment, Large coin slot machines, Large medical devices, Large monitoring and control instruments, Large appliances which automatically deliver products and money, Photovoltaic panels. This category does not include equipment included in categories 1 to 3.
Vacuum cleaners, Carpet sweepers, Appliances for sewing, Luminaires, Microwaves, Ventilation equipment, Irons, Toasters, Electric knives, Electric kettles, Clocks and Watches, Electric shavers, Scales, Appliances for hair and body care, Calculators, Radio sets, Video cameras, Video recorders, Hi-fi equipment, Musical instruments, Equipment reproducing sound or images, Electrical and electronic toys, Sports equipment, Computers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc., Smoke detectors, Heating regulators, Thermostats, Small Electrical and electronic tools, Small medical devices, Small Monitoring and control instruments, Small Appliances which automatically deliver products, Small equipment with integrated photovoltaic panels. This category does not include equipment included in categories 1 to 3 and 6..
Mobile phones, GPS, Pocket calculators, Routers, Personal computers, Printers, Telephones.
Stationary industrial tools such as winches, large fixed installations such as elevators and escalators, industrial machines that are not moving, transformers, large electric motors and other products and equipment of a similar nature and size are considered. The product group does not include products and equipment that are covered by the other product groups.
Large insulated electrical conductors or large cables of a similar nature are considered.
Summary of volumes for cost estimate.