Producers’ Extended Responsability
Based on the principle of Producer’s Extended Responsibility, companies that put products on the national market must assume responsibility for the environmental impacts when they reach the end of their life cycle and become waste.
This obligation can be transferred to ERP Portugal, by providing
the quantities put on the market and the payment of the respective financial fees.
Based on the Permits, the services of ERP Portugal apply to the availability of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and Portable and Industrial Batteries and Accumulators (BA) on the market.
This way, the companies guarantee the legal compliance with the requirements defined in the current legislation on waste management, consolidated in Decree-Law no. 152-D / 2018, of December 11.
The process of joining ERP Portugal is simple, fast and online.

Waste Management Experience
Characterized by synergies in the compliance scheme services offer, ERP Portugal accumulates a wide experience and consolidated know-how regarding waste management, importing the best practices and methodologies available in the European context and defending the competition as an essential element to the promotion of the maximum efficiency in the use of resources.
In order to consolidate its position as an effective player in a structuring market for economy and for society, ERP Portugal has been given priority to the creation and strengthening of partnership relations, for the implementation of an efficient integrated management system, which contributes to the fulfillment of the national targets imposed by the European Commission, as well as compliance with the requirements defined in its permits.

This is how we can help you
We can manage your obligations, ensure you comply, and identify where there is potential in your business to unlock value. We want to help you make the most of your resources.