ERP Portugal launches ERP Eco Sustainability Award

December 31st, 2019

Universities establishments at national level are challenged to design new Depositrão model

ERP Portugal challenges Higher Education students to design a new solution for the delivery of electrical and electronic and end-of-life batteries, as part of its Research and Development initiatives.

With the motto “Show that you have batteries of creativity”, the ERP Eco Sustainability Award is a project implemented by the compliance scheme in partnership with the Blue Flag Association of Europe / EcoCampus Program and with the support of the Portuguese Environment Agency, DGAE and APESB Young Professionals Group.

The challenge is to present a design of an anti-theft keeper made of recycled or recyclable materials with 3 waste collection compartments: electrical and electronic with potential for reuse, electrical and electronic without this potential and which should be followed for recycling and batteries.

A poster should also be submitted to communicate the importance and function of the proposed collection equipment, encouraging of training areas interdisciplinarity in this mission, which is transversal to all.

With applications running online by January 31 of 2020, Higher Education students can now submit their projects, based on the award rules, available at

The jury will select 3 projects, which will be awarded with a prize of 3000 € each.

Filipa Moita, Communication Manager, states: “The ERP Eco Sustainability Award aims to introduce or reinforce the importance of adopting the best waste management practices. We aim to alert Higher Education students to the need to make the behavior of selective waste disposal a habit by designing an innovative, appealing and functional waste collection solution, allowing us to extend the useful life of potentially reusable electrical and electronic products, ensure the recycling of this waste and used batteries. We believe that the creativity of this level of education will give rise to relevant projects that are feasible to implement.”



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