Presentation of the “De camino al cole, ponme pilas” Award

April 16th, 2018

The Waste Committee of the Provincial Council of Palencia and ERP presented the prize to the Baños de Cerrato Rural Group School

Presentation of the “De camino al cole, ponme pilas” Award

  • The Waste Committee of the Provincial Council of Palencia and ERP presented the prize to the Baños de Cerrato Rural Group School.

Deputy of the Provincial Institution and consortium member, Gonzalo Mota, accompanied by Laura Alonso, CEO of ERP España, this morning visited the Rural Group School located in Baños de Cerrato, the winning school of the “De camino al cole, ponme las pilas” (Bring Your Batteries To School) initiative to present the award to the competition's winner for the last school year.

This small school, with barely 14 students, managed to collect 25 kilos of batteries of the 4,299 kg in total collected in the containers installed in this first edition of the campaign during the 2016-2017 school year.

The campaign aims to transmit the importance of the correct way to recycle this waste, as a single mercury button battery, weighing just 1 gram, is capable of polluting up to 600,000 litres of water. The collection resulted in the withdrawal from our environment of almost 4,300 kg of batteries. The “De camino al cole, ponme las pilas” Bring Your Batteries to School campaign will continue this school year with the collection of batteries and the fostering of this practice among students.

This initiative was carried out within the framework of the Collective Agreement established between the Provincial Council Waste Committee and European Recycling Platform España (ERP); and together they wish to express their appreciation for the success of the initiative at schools in Aguilar de Campoo, Alar del Rey, Astudillo, Baltanás, Barruelo de Santullán, Becerril de Campos, Cervera de Pisuerga, Dueñas, Grijota, Guardo, Herrera de Pisuerga, Magaz de Pisuerga, Osorno, Palencia, Paredes de Nava, Saldaña, Santibáñez de la Peña, Torquemada, Velilla del Río Carrión, Venta de Baños, Villada, Villalobón and Villamuriel de Cerrato.

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