ERP and AMIAB collect 200 kilos of toys through the “Convertimos tus juguetes en sonrisas” campaign

February 22nd, 2019

70 % of the toys recovered could be reused

ERP and AMIAB collect 200 kilos of toys through the “Convertimos tus juguetes en sonrisas” campaign

  • 70 % of the toys recovered could be reused

The Museum of Palaeontology of Castilla-La Mancha in Cuenca hosted the closing event of the “Convertimos tus juguetes en sonrisas” (We turn your old toys into smiles) campaign, carried out by European Recycling Platform (ERP) and GRUPO AMIAB between October and December last year, during which over 200 kg of toys were collected from the 6 participating schools.

The event served as the finale of an intense campaign to raise awareness among the local population of the need to correctly recycle waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). ERP and Amiab organized a competition between six Cuenca schools to collect toys. Those that could still be reused - over 70% of the material collected or 145 kg - were repaired and cleaned to be delivered to other children on 6 January, Three Kings Day. The remaining 30% were processed through the appropriate channels for recycling.