Presentation of the “De camino al cole, ponme pilas” Awards

March 14th, 2019

The campaign, with the collaboration of ERP, collected a total of 3,325 kg of batteries

Presentation of the “De camino al cole, ponme pilas” Awards

  • The campaign, with the collaboration of ERP, collected a total of 3,325 kg of batteries

The Provincial Waste Syndicate of Palencia and European Recycling Platform (ERP) have presented the “Comepilas” award to the Antonio Celemín infants’ school, winners of the second “De camino al cole, ponme pilas” (On the way to school, give me batteries”) launched within the framework of the collective agreement signed off by the Provincial Waste Syndicate and ERP.

This school, with 54 pupils aged up to 3 and seven teachers highly aware of the environmental problems, managed to recycle 1.39 kg of batteries per pupil over the school year, for a total of 75.06 kg.

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