Landbell Group participates in the European CarE‑Service sustainable mobility project
The project aims to improve waste management of electric and hybrid vehicle batteries
Landbell Group participates in the European CarE‑Service sustainable mobility project
The project aims to improve waste management of electric and hybrid vehicle batteries
Landbell Group, the parent company of ERP España, participates through Prodigentia in CarE-Service, a pioneering project on European scale for the improvement of sustainable mobility, focussed on practical demonstration, on a large scale, of the viability of the new circular economy technologies focused on the end of life of electrical and hybrid mobility systems for fleet management companies.
Objectives include the establishment of three new circular value chains, on a European scale, for the selective reuse, reconditioning and processing of those parts of vehicles with the most potential for recovery: batteries, metals and technopolymer components.
The CarE-Service digital platform, designed by Prodigentia, allows fleet management companies to select the maintenance workshop and recovery or event waste manager to provide the correct processing of electric vehicle components at the end of their use life. It also supports an inverse logistics system for used parts, with a simple return process that facilitates the reconditioning of batteries and other components.