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WEEE and Battery regulations can be complex. Created by producers for producers, over 42,000 customers across 63 countries trust The European Recycling Platform, (ERP) to manage their compliance obligations. We provide our members with high-quality compliance and help large, medium and small businesses navigate the complexities of compliance for electrical and electronic equipment and batteries.

Our straightforward solutions make environmental compliance and extended producer responsibility simple.


What is a distributor / retailer?

A ‘distributor’ is any person that provides electrical equipment, electronic equipment, batteries and/or accumulators on a professional basis to an end-user. However, for the purpose of this page, a distributor is referred to as a retailer.


Retailer WEEE Obligations

  • Any retailer that takes back WEEE must be registered with their local authority at a cost of €200 or with the Compliance Scheme (free of charge) responsible for their area. Find out more
  • All retail premises from which EEE is distributed or used for the storage of EEE prior to its distribution must be registered, as above
  • A new requirement is that retailers with an electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) sales area greater than 400m2 must take back small WEEE (less than 25CM) without any obligation on consumers to purchase a new item
  • All retailers of EEE must take back WEEE from private households free of charge and on a one for one basis in-store and on delivery of new appliances. There is no time limit on take back in store
  • Retailers may no longer bring WEEE to Local Authority/Civic Amenity Sites. It is mandatory for retailers to hand over all WEEE to the compliance scheme that operates in their area
  • They must ensure that the storage and transport of WEEE collected meets the requirements of the Regulations and terms and conditions of the compliance schemes collecting the WEEE
  • They must ensure that private householders are informed of the WEEE takeback facilities available to them and that they are encouraged to participate in the separate collection of WEEE
  • They must not sell electrical and electronic products from a ‘producer’ who is not in possession of a valid Certificate of Registration or a valid Certificate of Renewal of Registration from the Producer Register Limited
  • They must display the following sign at all retail stores, retailing EEE and batteries (including batteries incorporated into EEE) in a conspicuous position within 1 m of the point of sale of EEE (till) or where EEE or batteries are displayed

Retailer and Distributor Battery Obligations

What is a Distributor / Retailer?

A ‘distributor’ is any person that provides electrical equipment, electronic equipment, batteries and/or accumulators on a professional basis to an end-user. However, for the purpose of this page a distributor is referred to as a retailer.

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Battery Retailer Registration

  • Registration is not required if the retailer only sells portable batteries (AA, AAA, Cell C, Cell D etc.) and no EEE.
  • Registration with either the local authority or approved compliance scheme for EEE also covers batteries provided that this information was made available to the compliance scheme during the registration process.
  • Retailers of automotive and/or industrial batteries, who do not see EEE, must register with either of the approved compliance schemes (once off, free of charge) or with their appropriate local authority annually, for a fee of €200 per annum. For more info on retailer registration click here