We use batteries to power lots of different things – but do you know it takes 100 years for a battery to decompose? What items do you have at home that contain batteries? And do you know where to recycle used batteries?
If you would like the answers to these important questions then join our Batteries for Barretstown Schools Challenge!
ERP created the Batteries for Barretstown School Challenge to educate students on the importance of battery recycling and challenge them to collect used batteries and help protect our planet.
The programme is FREE and every battery recycled contributes towards a donation fund for the children’s charity.
Once registered, your school will receive a FREE Batteries for Barretstown Recycling kit which contains: Battery tube, posters, biodegradable battery recycling bags and stickers for battery recycling champions.
ERP Ireland has also created FREE Educational Resources for teachers to use to inform young recyclers on why, how and where to recycle used batteries and what happens to batteries after they are recycled. See below.
The campaign is open to all primary and secondary schools in Clare, Cavan, Kerry, Louth, Meath, Monaghan and Dublin Fingal where ERP operate.