New rules for the calculation of recycling targets from the European Commission
The European Commission is hard working to define precise rules for the calculation, verification and report about the recycling targets that have been set in the Waste Framework Directive (WFD). The objective of the new principles is to develope techniques which are ambitious and comparable between Member Nations.
The Commission plans to characterize clear and blended computation guidelines to avoid mixing the recycling rates of targeted materials with those of non-targeted materials. The weight of waste utilized for the estimation of the recycling rate will currently be resolved after the sorting procedure, for example before the recycling procedure, so as to accomplish comparable recycling rates crosswise over Member Nations.
The implementing measure, which builds up rules for the calculation,, confirmation and reporting of information, so as to affirm consistence with the objectives set in the Waste Framework Directive, is expected to be concluded before the end of March. It should be endorsed by Member States before entering into power.
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