European Recycling Conference 2019
During EuRIC annual European Recycling Conference, topics covered are manifold and pertaining to the world of recycling. The circular economy proposes a completely new model, that positively affects also the financial statements of the individual companies. Among the most obvious consequences of the circular economy on business, there is a clear cut in waste and water, due to better energy efficiency, a more responsible use of raw materials and the enhancement of recycling.
The European Recycling Conference 2019
Reuse, recycling and recovery are the key words around which to build a new paradigm of sustainability, innovation and competitiveness, in a scenario where waste is transformed into a resource. The circular economy can generate an important economic benefit and create new jobs as well as it can exponentially increase the productivity of the same resources used today.
On 19 September 2019, the third edition of the European Recycling Conference (ERC) will take place at the unique location of the Air and Space Museum in Paris. The conference will be followed by a Gala Dinner organized on a luxurious river cruise that will lead ERC attendees through the most iconic places of Paris.
Gathering traders, recyclers, consumers and machinery suppliers from all around Europe, this conference will offer unparalleled networking opportunities for business development. High level industry speakers, as well as representatives of the European institutions, will deepen the latest business and regulatory developments at European level.
The priorities for the recycling industry in the coming years will also be discussed in the context of the newly elected European Parliament and forthcoming European Commission. Download the European Recycling Conference 2019 Brochure and read the complete program.
The ERC 2019 will also be a unique occasion to celebrate together the 5th anniversary of EuRIC’s creation. EuRIC is the Confederation representing the interests of the European recycling industries and brings together European and National recycling Associations from more than 19 EU and EFTA countries. For companies and organisations looking to position themselves as key stakeholders in Europe, ERC will offer a variety of different sponsorship opportunities.
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