First case study on the German Packaging Act
In Germany, the Central Agency Packaging Register (Zentrale Stelle Verpackungsregister, ZSVR) has published its first case study on compliance with the German Packaging Act.
The aim of the study is to help manufacturers, and other legally obligated parties, to better identify and comply with their obligations.
The first case study addresses errors from some auditors, who had confirmed manufacturers’ declarations of completeness, even though, according to the ZSVR, there were obvious discrepancies in quantities between the manufacturers' data and submissions from the packaging schemes. This constitutes a violation of the Test Guidelines for Declarations of Completeness developed by the ZSVR in agreement with the Federal Cartel Office. The auditors may now be removed from the register of auditors.
The ZSVR intends to publish further case studies on the Packaging Act at regular intervals to improve compliance with the regulations.
You can read the ZSVR’s first case study (in German) here.
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