Germany to transpose Single-Use Plastics Directive
Last summer, the European Directive on the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment (Single-Use Plastics Directive) came into force. The aim of the directive is to fight against the increasing amount of plastic waste in the world's oceans. The German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) has now published a draft ordinance that is intended to transpose parts of the directive into German law.
The draft ordinance will transpose Article 5 of the Directive, according to which Member States must prohibit the marketing of certain disposable plastic products, such as cutlery, plates or drinking straws. The ban is to apply from 3 July 2021. Other provisions of the directive are to be transposed into German law at a later date.
A consultation is open until 15 May, during which time stakeholders can comment on the draft. The draft must then be formally adopted by the German government and confirmed by the country’s upper house (Bundesrat) before it can enter into force.
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