ENVI Committee takes the lead on new EU Battery Regulation
The European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has taken the lead on the new EU Battery Regulation, as decided by the Conference of Presidents at its meeting on 29 April.
However, the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), which was previously in charge, will remain co-advisory, as will the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). These two committees are also given exclusive competence for certain aspects of the Regulation.
Amendments to articles that fall within the exclusive competence of the IMCO or the ITRE Committee will be decided upon solely in these committees and will be directly included in the ENVI Committee’s report without being voted on there.
The responsible rapporteur in the ITRE Committee has already submitted an initial draft report, which is to be voted on together with further amendments on 15 July. Articles that fall within the exclusive competence of the ENVI Committee, as well as all articles with shared competence will be finally voted on by the ENVI Committee. The corresponding draft report by rapporteur Simona Bonafé is expected to be available in October. The vote in committee is planned for January with the final vote in plenary to follow one month later.
Landbell Group company European Recycling Platform (ERP) will continue to engage in the ongoing legislative procedure for the new Battery Regulation.
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